Kameno Municipality continues the project "Hot Lunch in Kameno Municipality" for all those in need

Kameno Municipality continues the implementation of the project "Hot Lunch in Kameno Municipality" for all those in dire need. It is implemented under a project of the Operational Program "Food and Basic Material Assistance Program" 2021-2027 co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus - Operation BG05SFPR003-1.001 "Hot Lunch".
From 01.07.2024, the unit cost for a hot lunch is increased to 3.64 BGN per person for 127 working days from 01.07.2024 - until 31.12.2024.
The approved representatives of the target groups are provided with a free hot lunch, including soup, main course and bread, every working day during the implementation period of the project activities. The food is delivered to their homes for bedridden patients and people with mobility difficulties.
The target groups of the project are:
1. individuals and families with no income or with low income, elderly pensioner families and pensioners living alone, who have low incomes, cannot support themselves with these incomes and their property and do not receive support from their relatives;
2. individuals subject to social assistance, including from the circle of persons under Art. 4, para. 1 of the Regulation, who are unable to satisfy their basic living needs and for whom a need for daily additional support has been established;
3. individuals with low incomes who, due to existing disabilities or health limitations, have difficulty or are unable to self-service, including single individuals with permanent disabilities with low personal income from pension, for whom there is no suitable candidate for an assistant under the personal assistance mechanism;
4. individuals who, due to incidental circumstances, are in a difficult and vulnerable situation and for whom a need for this type of support has been established;
5. vagrants and homeless persons; 6. persons from vulnerable groups – third-country nationals, within the meaning of § 1, item 17 of the additional provisions of the Asylum and Refugees Act.
Duration: 24 months
Implementation period: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2024
Amount of grant: 188,405.52 BGN
Capacity: 100 users
Those wishing to be included in the waiting list under operation BG05SFPR003-1.001 “WARM LUNCH” can submit applications in the building of the Activity “Social Services and Support” at the address: town of Kameno, 3 Nedelcho Kambov Street, 2nd floor every working day from 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
The implementation of this project is part of the targeted social policy that the Municipality of Kameno is developing to support people living in material deprivation and at risk of social isolation.