The repair of the road between the villages of Livada and Trustikovo is completed
The section of the road network of Kameno municipality is 2.8 km long. Along the entire length, the asphalt pavement has been overhauled with the laying of a new one, road markings and road signs have been installed, the road bank has been shaped, and the drainage ditches have been traced and repaired. The project also carried out comprehensive repairs on the overpass between the villages of Livada and Trastikovo. The project implementation amount is BGN 5 783 400.
The road is a municipal road and is the main road link between the villages of Rusokastro, Livada, Trastikovo and Konstantinovo, as well as a direct link between road III-539 and road II-79 of the republican road network.
The rehabilitation was carried out in two stages:
Stage I: Section from km 4+520 to km 6+384 and from km 6+448 to km 7+320.
Stage II: Section from km 6+384 to km 6+448 (railway overpass).
The construction works are in accordance with the project approved and developed by the Municipality of Kameno, which financing was carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.